Grades 1 and 2

Grades 1 And 2
Grades 1 And 2 lesson packs are separate for literacy and maths.

Literacy lessons always include a reading task. This activity is followed by simple word tasks based on the reading. The reading tasks include target spelling patterns and use high frequency words. Packs that are 3 or 4 pages are for the older child reading harder texts.

Maths lessons are 1-page and are in bundles of 5. I have used these lessons in my own teaching and tutoring and have uploaded them. They are free packages.

I am adding to the teaching material every week.

Helpful hints:

Teaching Reading And Writing will help parents and other non-professionals to teach successfully.

Example Of A Product:

Math Medley is a pack of maths tasks for this year level. Here is the link:


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